Join A Journey of Impact

Assomada Girls Orphanage
Assomada, Island of Santiago, Cabo Verde, Africa
This visit will be an all day investment project with the young ladies of Assomada. This will be a multi-topic platform to promote positive developmental habits such as proper presentation of one's self, education, and the power of focus.
Donations of clothing, supplies, and funds will be delivered and distributed. Over 900 pieces of clothing and undergarments will be given to the girls during this visit on the behalf of SPANX, by Sara Blakely. A huge " Thank you!" to the sales team there that donated their unused sales samples to support the efforts of this project.
Mission Needs
Funds For Building Renovations to Improve Living Conditions In Dwelling Areas
Girls Clothing All Sizes - FULFILLED by SPANX, INC.
Menstrual Cycle Needs | Sanitary Solutions
School Supplies & Art Supplies
Hygiene Products
Piocs Boys Orphanage
Picos, Island of Santiago, Cabo Verde, Africa
This will be a one day visit to deliver donation and supplies needed to inspire growth, educational advancement, and encourage a desire to thrive.
Needs Industrial Appliances For The Preservation and Preparation of Food - FULFILLED by Ashley Alves Collection.
Facility Renovation to Improve Lively Hood
Boys Clothing All Sizes
Athletic Equipment
Learning Material
Books & Art Supplies
Music Equipment
Furniture & Equipment

Door -To- Door Gifting
Island of Santiago, Cabo Verde, Africa
This will be a two day initiative to hand deliver gifts of brand new clothing directly to the locals of Praia and surrounding areas on the island of Santiago.
Over 1,000 pieces of clothing and undergarments will be given to the women during this visit on the behalf of SPANX, by Sara Blakely. A huge " Thank you!" to the sales team there that donated their unused sales samples to support the efforts of this project.

Empower Her Women's Project
Cabo Verde, Africa
This an all day event will be used to invest in the women of Cabo Verde. Inspire them with encouragement to pursue their passions, dreams, and give them proper tools to put themselves in the best position to obtain a quality means of employment. Over 1,000 pieces of clothing and undergarments will be given to the women during this visit on the behalf of SPANX, by Sara Blakely. A huge " Thank you!" to the sales team there that donated their unused sales samples to support the efforts of this project.
Monique Watson
Providence, Rhode Island 02914
Monday, November 13, 2017
Monique Watson lives is Providence, Rhode Island. She is an amazing single mother of two children. For the last few years, Monique has been battling a rare blood disease in which she undergoes chemo treatments to treat, yet due to the treatments her kidneys have failed. Monique is need of an kidney transplant, in which will be undergoing the surgery for very soon. Funds received in her name go directly to her to assist with her family expenses while successfully recovering from her surgery. It is highly important that she take her time healing due to her rare circumstances.
Donate Now To Assist Her In This Journey!

Cabeça Fundão | Elementary School ( Pre-School to Sixth Grade )
Island of Fogo, Cabo Verde
This project is First Lady Ligia Fonseca of Cabo Verde reconstruction project for Cabeça de Fundão, an elementary school based in the Municipality of Santa Catarina on the island of Fogo. The school has 50 children, ages 6-12, and is in urgent need of the following:
Proper School Uniforms
Equipment | Furnishings
School Supplies
Books | Learning Materials
If you or someone you know has the ability to assist with resources on a large scale please contact us directly at Info@LoveIsAnArt.Org. Also, please consider making a donations to support a successful re-opening of the school.
We would love for you to join one of our missions. Please enter your contact information below, and one of our teammates will contact you. Groups are welcome. Your involvement will contribute to their individual enrichment experiences, as well as help church outreach programs, support educational classroom projects, and provide team building activities for fraternal, sororal, and corporate organizations. There will be a project opportunity specific to all partnership arrangements.